Y2K Diary [ 19.06.00 ]

171. Who's Who

Very little is known about the origins of our source content.  For instance: 99% of the content is generated from users throughout emails, submissions and feedback.

60% have an average age group of 18-30+.  The remaining age group is unknown.

20% have heard of us through the National and International Press, whilst 70% discovered the site whilst browsing the web.  The remainder throughout our successive showcases.

30% are based in London, 20% in the UK, 30% in the US and what's left seems to be scattered around the world.  The total always stagnates around 50,000 hits a week.

In January we begun at 5000 hits, steadily jumping to 20,000 by March.

Over 100 emails prompted the debate over MP3 music being available for free, the bottoms palaver, the April issues of Internet connection and Free Speech on the web.

The Y2K Showcase moves according to the user interaction. NP

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