Y2K Diary [ 18.06.00 ]

170. Derriere

As the editor in Chief for the respectful content of this Diary, I've allowed Jane to display another picture of a behind,
(in yesterday's entry), as she would have rather put it.

Since many a straight male friend of mine complained that on the 23rd of March we displayed one male bottom and on the 6th of June, a whole team of rugby men exposing their arses, it was just about right to start displaying a girl's buttocks.

This parade of derrieres is not an act intended to tackle cheapness but merely to embrace life from a different angle.  Metaphorically speaking. The rear side of the mirror or the moral of this story need not be taken for granted.

Every story tells a story and every story ignites its backbone. NP

related links:
Behind the name, a tremendous site looking at the etymology and history behind a name.

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