Y2K Diary [ 12.05.00 ]

133. Where Are We? (Part 3)

Why is London so trendy?
There are six main pollutants caused by traffic emissions.

BENZENE:  No safe level.
Causes cancer and poses a long term risk of leukaemia.
BUTADIENE:  No safe level.
Linked with cancers of the bone marrow, and lymphomas.
Increases risk of lung damage and respiratory infection in children.
Impairs lung function and increases sensitivity to allergens.
Tiny particles deposited in the lungs linked to heart and respiratory disease and may be responsible for thousands of death of vulnerable groups.

The worst British smog took place in December 1952 and lasted a week. It killed an estimated 4.000 through heart and lung disease. Coal burnt in homes and factories was then the main cause. NP

related links: The Tate Gallery might cheer you up!

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