Y2K Diary [ 06.02.00 ]

37. The Moon.  A Tourist Guide of the Satellite

The moon, a satellite, not a planet is responsible for all the traumas we endure.  By circling around our planet Earth, the moon is affecting our time space and we react accordingly.  Still, the moon has one of the most fascinating landscapes in the universe and is now open for business.
Since they discovered huge quantities of water, vital to the subsistence of men on the moon, we can already book flights and rooms in the new Hilton.
It will take time for this to materialise, but it's all set.
Funny though.
They've discovered water on the moon recently, but I knew this 20 years ago when I read
"Tintin: Explorers on the Moon."
The Moon
The Russians paved the way in 1959 when their rocket landed.  When Louis Armstrong became the first man who allegedly set foot on the moon.   We are let to believe a lot of things about the moon. The moon has always been an excellent substitute for lassitude, jadedness and boredom. NP

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