Y2K Diary [ 29.05.00 ]
150. Memory
One often loses one's own memory.
It happens.
Intoxicating substances can seriously adumbrate the pictures in the mind.
Loss or fading memory is, contrary to popular belief not an ageing problem. Some elderly can have a far greater memory than a 20 year old.
Memory like some RAM (Random-Access-Memory) needs to be serviced, maintained and upgraded.
70% of the world's population do not use their memory efficiently, whilst 65% do not seem to be using it at all!
We either rely on tools or people in the vicinity to refresh it. NP
related links: False memory myths in sexual abuse cases.
Stop the therapy syndrome for recovering memory.
An academic point of view with links. Resource centre on the subject. Mind Tools learning mnemonics techniques.
The Art of memory, a small intriguing feature.
Games and Secrets for using and enhancing memory.
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