Y2K Diary [ 27.02.00 ]

58. Planet Earth

There isn't much left of it.

The planet has been around, well for almost 5000 years...  In selfish human terms, that is.  In earthling terms, few million years.  In Christian computing terms 2K.

I can't remember being there at the beginning.  I can remember how it all started.  In the late eighties, everyone was displaying their green credentials to save the endangered planet.  "Global warming" and "Recycling" were the norm!
Now the British government is spending millions in useless advertising campaign on recycling and global warming, forgetting to provide the facilities and create the market.

The only recycling that has ever proven to be working is in the media...  From ideas to back catalogues of film and music.  Still, it is not too late for an earthling revival. NP

related links:
Greenpeace.  Friends of the Earth.
Amnesty International.  WWF.  UNICEF.
RSPCA.  National Geographic.  NASA.

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