Y2K Diary [ 16.04.00 ]

107. Testing Your Thoughts

Tick on your answer, then count your points.
8 points for response A, 5 for B, 3 for C.

1) What would you do if on a cruise on the pacific ocean, travelling on your own, by a beautiful night you accidentally happen to fall over the deck straight into the ocean and you're left behind struggling in the water and no one noticed that you'd gone?
2) What would you do if you're stuck in the middle of the night, in a foreign town with no money and no credit cards?
3) What would you do if after having won one million pound on the lottery, having left your job as a result and spent all the money after only one month?
4) What would you do if suddenly a general power cut hit your house and deprive you of electricity and knowing that it is due to last for another week?

Choose your answers    Then check your score.

Whatever you have scored, your answers do interest me.
Please send them to: jane@mnemonics.co.uk
Love and kisses Jane.
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