Y2K Diary [ 10.06.00 ]

162. Suck

"Life is a pot of cherries.
Life sucks."

Some could bring the two together and suck the cherry.
Suck is the third most searched keyword amongst the five top search engines.  And it's not necessarily within a sexual context.  There is "suckers" synonymous with idiots, bastards.  Aggressive behaviour.  Or even a code name in the programming jargon.  They are names of websites, home pages. Sucking thumbs, fingers, hands, sweets, food and life.  The most unusual the word or the search is, the more likely popular the subject will be in the virtual world.  Take your pick. NP

related links:
Get suckered is an unreal website about sweets and lollipops, Nature is full of suckers.
We've been there before but it's truly a winner, Bialik Sucker Fly Gangsters on the run.  A weird shopping site about fishing and hunting.

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