Y2K Diary [ 06.04.00 ]

97. Watercolour C21

How refreshing! How un-nerdy!

Organised by the Royal Watercolour Society, Watercolour C21 is unlike most other watercolour painting competitions, there are no restrictions about size, subject matter or indeed age of artists.

The selection panel for Watercolour C21 consists of: Andrew Graham-Dixon, Chief Art Critic at The Independent; Eileen Hogan RWS, Emeritus Professor of the London Institute; and Sandy Nairne, Director of national programmes at the Tate Gallery.

Prizes for the Open, which is supported by the international law firm Freshfields, amount to £10.000. winning prizes and showing work in the exhibition at London's Bankside Gallery.

Hand-in days for work to be submitted to Watercolour C21 are Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 July.  Artists are invited to send a SAE to Bankside Gallery, 48 Hopton Street, London SE1 9JH for an application form. NP

related links: no internet presence as yet

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